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Webinar Programme for Families

Early Years Educational Psychology ‘Work it Together Wednesdays’


Usually every last Wednesday of the month (can differ during school holidays):

  • 12-1pm for early years professionals/practitioners working with children under the age of 5
  • 4-5pm for families of children with children under the age of 5


Online (Via Microsoft Teams)


Sessions will be informal and relaxed in nature (like a video podcast). Each session will involve about 40-50 minutes of content introducing some key ideas related to the theme/topic and provide some practical advice/support.

Sessions will focus on supporting preschool aged children (under the age of five) and will be inclusive of supporting all children and families. There will then be about 10-20 minutes for asking questions and sharing your thoughts, if you would like to. There is no pressure to join with your camera on, or to speak if you would prefer not to.

Places are limited per session, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Contact if you have any questions relating to the webinars, or to register your interest/book a space. A registration link will be sent to you to complete before attending and will provide you with an invite to join.

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