What's On in NPT Libraries?
All Venues - All Dates - All Event Types
2690 event(s) match these criteria
Port Talbot Library
Bring along your own Needle Felting or craft projects and join this welcoming craft group.
Sandfields Library
Board games, colourings, puzzles, Lego & footballs available to borrow. Homework club.
Sandfields Library
Beginners & experienced crafters welcome, learn & share skills.
Skewen Library
All welcome, bring along your own crafts & meet new friends.
Pontardawe Library
Hot drink, cake & chat. All welcome.
Port Talbot Library
Bring along your own parchment craft projects and join this welcoming craft group.
Pontardawe Library
Help & Advice. To provide local people aged 50+ with assistance, support & services that are needed to live a healthier more active/independent life.
Port Talbot Library
Bring along your own craft projects/learn a new craft and join this welcoming craft group.
Glynneath Library
Bring your current project, share your passion, socialise with other craft makers. 8yrs+